An evening about “Aging” 22/08

Aging is one thing all organisms experience simultaneously and irreversibly. Unless you get close to the speed of light, the rate of aging does not vary. However, humans experience 3 different forms of aging even they stay on the earth:

  • The one written on all papers
  • The wear out of the cells in our body
  • Last but not least the aging of our souls.

The first one is just a number only the governments care. The other two dictate to each other. Maybe that is the reason why the third molar is called the Wisdom Tooth.

In this meeting we will briefly touch the subject of age and what it brings to us.


This is a private venue. We will be offering refreshments at a reasonable price during this meeting. You are also welcome to bring your own.

#publicspeaking #storytelling #communication #leadership #networking #persuasion #personaldevelopment #mentorship #coaching #leapyear #fonske #toastmasters

  • For more details on the meeting structure & various roles, look here.
  • For an even more detailed agenda with who will be speaking & about what, you can visit Toastmasters Fonske Leuven’s EasySpeak page, and locate this Meeting‘s agenda on the calendar


22 Aug 2024


19:15 - 22:00


De Bruul
De Bruul
De Bruul Park, Raoul Claesstraat, 3000 Leuven


Toastmasters Fonske Leuven
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