An evening on “BOOKS THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE” – 14/09

This will be a regular meeting with 4 speeches, 4 evaluations and a round of Table Topics — an improvised speaking game where guests are free to participate. ADMISSION IS 100% FREE. SPEAKING IS 100% OPTIONAL.

The evening will revolve around “THE BOOKS THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE “

Have you ever read a book that changed your life. In a positive, or perhaps a negative way.This meeting is a place where speakers will share their life changing book experiences Or the books that they expected to change their lives, but didn’t.Perhaps that’s too much to expect of a book. Just plain wonderful book experiences may be shared too.

Come a long to the meeting to hear about some books that you will be compelled to add to your bookshelf, or at least your book wish list.


This meeting will be held above a “book bar”, where drinks are available.

#publicspeaking #storytelling #communication #leadership #networking #persuasion #personaldevelopment #mentorship #coaching

  • For more details on the meeting structure & various roles, look here.
  • For an even more detailed agenda with who will be speaking & about what, you can visit Toastmasters Fonske Leuven’s EasySpeak page, and locate this Meeting‘s agenda on the calendar.



14 Sep 2023


19:15 - 22:00


Barboek in M
Barboek in M
Savoyestraat 10, 3000 Leuven


Toastmasters Fonske Leuven
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