Mona Elleathey
Mona joined the Dacia Toastmasters Club in 2016, prior to the Club chartering in 2017.
Soon enough, she was involved in the Committee as Sergeant-at-arms and then served as President of the Club in 2018-2019.
As a newly chartered club, it was very important to the lay the ground for a sustainable growth. It was a priority to set officers’ roles, internal organization, as well as raising the quality of the meetings and visibility. In one-year time, the club grew in visibility, performance and activity.
The motivation that led to Mona to join Toastmasters was to master the art of speaking in public. She has since discovered that Toastmasters does not only trains public speakers but also opens horizons to creativity and to people with a real potential to lead.
“In Toastmasters, not only have I worked on mastering speaking in public but I discovered the true meaning of vision in leadership. I discovered new channels to creativity. When you follow your heart and venture on new paths, you will most certainly end up facing marvellous landscapes.”
At this time, she wants to develop as a Public Relations and Marketing Director and further explore innovative solutions in this field.
Lidiya Bogdanova
Lidiya joined Aperitivo Toastmasters – the bilingual Italian/English club of Brussels in 2018. She is currently the Vice President of Public Relations of the club.
Enthusiastic outside-of-the-box thinker who sees potential everywhere, engineer and a serial entrepreneur, she is always ready to hear and chat about a new idea.
She considers following Toastmasters to be one of the best ways to improve your public speaking skills and learn how to be a better leader. And that having a growth mindset is the key component of the recipe for success.