— by Margarida Brites
On 23 april, the Lille Toastmasters Club organised a terrific event, everything went well! We were so proud of the core team! Now, Luxembourg, here we come!
Our contestants were well-prepared and impressive on stage. There was real emotion with the depiction of traumatising life experiences! The response amongst the public was immediate with real tears. The speeches were very touching when inspiring. And more humoristic when depicting the male-female realities.
Division B hereby proudly presents its contestants that will compete at the District 59 Spring Conference in Luxembourg:
International Speech Contest
1. Daniel Mouqué
2. Carsten Wendt
3. Erik Luijts
Contest Master: David Lewis
English Evaluation Contest
1. Jeffer London
2. Jack Gilbey
3. Covey McAllister
Contest Master: Alexis Brouard
French Speech Contest
1. Bruno Cacciapuoti
2. Jean-Philippe Stijns
3. Oxana Rogozina
Contest Master: Emmanuelle Lewartowski
Italian Speech Contest
1. Valentina Caimi
Contest Master: Bonifacio Di Pietrantonio
Division B takes feedback and mentoring very seriously amidst all the fun. On their way to Luxembourg, the four contestants received on Wednesday 11 May the infamous shower of coaching at the Artful Orators, Brussels’ Advanced Toastmasters Club. The contestants received feedback in English, French and Italian: that’s the stuff champions are made off!
Our multilingual recommendations to the contestants:
Daniel and Jeffer: Break a leg each!
Bruno: Bonne merde!
Valentina: In bocca al lupo!